Monday, January 9, 2012

Social Presence Story Board

What is social presence? How do students within a learning community connect to other peers and the instructor? 

Social Presence inside the face to face classroom

Social Presence through enrollment in a on line learning community.

Which learning community do you fit into?

College_classroom.jpg. Retrieved on January8, 2012 from

Student a-at-computer.jpg. Retrieved on January 8, 2012 from

Stock-photo-college-students-on-campus. Retrieved on January 8, 2010 from



  1. Jacquelyn,

    I like the pictures that you have used in your storyboard so far. Looks like a great start. Are you going to have any interviews?


    1. Yes Kacey I will be interviewing people who take classes face to face and people who have done both face to face and online classes.

  2. Great pictures! This looks very engaging. You start with a really powerful essential question!

  3. Jacquelyn, Which learning theory lays the groundwork upon which social presence is built? Which speaker will you introduce?

    1. As far as learning theory laying the groundwork for the presentation I do not believe that it was a requirement to include this into the presentation, but to answer the question possibley constructivism. I also did not realize that we had to introduce a real speaker so as far as the speaker goes it will be a fictional character made up for the benefit of the presentation.

  4. I think you have a great start. I think that you should review the docs that were posted about storyboards, you are off to a great start, but this will hep you greatly.

    1. I would love to review those docs if I could find them in the course page. I have asked for help from the instructor but have not received a reply. I took it upon myself to look on the internet for information on how to create a story board. I found many sites that all said the same thing. A story board is a graphic organizer used to outline a presentation. It may or may not include pictures and is a brief summary hitting the key points. All I can do is try my best to complete a project with the information recieved.

    2. I like the topic that you have selected. I also like the question of Which learning community do you fit into? It really makes you think. Great start.

  5. Good topic, but I was wondering if you are going to be able to video a classroom setting and what avenues did you go through to get permission for the video?
    I'm going to follow your lead as to introducing a fictional speaker. I was headed in the wrong direcction when I started gathering materials for my presentations. Then I was racking my brain about who would "fit" into my presentation. thanks - karen

  6. Karen,
    I have been considering video taping a classroom but have not decided yet. I know community college instructor who would probably let me video tape the classroom. My plan is to do an interview with two of my collegues and video tape the interview. One has never taken an online class but is very technology savy the other has taken hybrid classes. I will also includ a brief video tape of where my college education started and where it is now comparing and contrasting the differences I see.

  7. Nice blog and awesome post.
    Thank's for this news.
    Online education
