Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Future of Distance Education

     The use of distance education courses for learning in both the corporate and educational environments is progressing. More businesses are relying on distance education not only to save money but to meet the needs of individuals. Distance education offers many of the same opportunities that face to face classes offer. Collaboration is the most meaning part of a face to face class. Is collaboration between students lost in distance learning courses?

    While face to face classes offer an environment where students can communicate with each other distance education offers the same opportunity. There are technological tools that have been developed over the years to make collaboration between students in distance education courses meaningful. With the use of discussion boards, pod casting, blogs, wikis, and email; students have the opportunity to share their learning and make meaningful contributions to the learning environment.

     Dr. Michael Simonson offers some insight into the advantages of distance education in his video Distance education: Higher education, k12, and the corporate world. He states, "That professors are starting to see that many of the same things can be accomplished in hybrid courses as can face to face classes" (2010). Dr. Simonson also states that, "Higher education will not abandon face to face courses" (2010). Although distance education courses are becoming the option for more students for many reasons they offer the same opportunities for learning that face to face courses offer but there is no reason for students to be alarmed, face to face courses are not going to become a thing of the past any time soon.

Simonson, Micheal, Laureate (2009-8). Distance education: Higher education, k12, and the corporate world. Professional Sound Images Inc.


  1. Jacquelyn,

    I am just as baffled as you are, but this test should set us in the right direction.



  2. Very interesting question in regards to if distance education is lost. Like you stated there are many different kinds of technological tools that help to make collaboration in the online setting a success. It would depend on the individual whether or not they prefer to use these types of technological tools or prefer the face to face setting. People learn differently and have different learning styles that are suitable for them.
