Sunday, February 12, 2012

This new post is my first attempt at making a video presentation. Although it is not perfect, no frills, and longer than six minutes it captures the content of what I found out about social presence and how it relates to learning environments. If you are enrolled in classes either in a face to face learning environment or in an online learning environment, the content of this video will be informative and leave you pondering how social presence impacts you.


Caspi, A., & Blau, I. (2008). Social presence in online discussion groups: testing three conceptions
     and their relations to perceived learning. Poc. Psychol Educ 11, 323-346. Retrieved January 24,
     2012 from

Kehrwald, B. (2008). Understanding social presence in text-based online learning environments.   
     Distance Education, 29.1, 89-106. Retrieved January 24, 2012, from

Kim, J., Kwon, Y., & Cho, D., (2011). Investigation factors that influence social presence and  
     learning outcomes in distance higher education. Computers & Education 57, 1512-1520. Retrieved
     December 27, 2011 from

Kekwalestswe, R. (2007). Social presence awareness for knowledge transformation in a mobile 
     learning environment. Journal of Education and Development using Information and 
     Communication Technology, v 3(4), 102-109. Retrieved January 15, 2012 from

Mykota, D., & Duncan, R. (2007). Learner characteristics as predictors of online social presence.
     Canadian Journal of Education, 30.1, 157-170. Retrieved on January 24, 2012 from

Yen, C., & Tu, C. (2008). Online social presence a study of score validity of the computer-mediated
     communication questionaire. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, v 9(3), 297-310. Retrieved
     January 6, 2012 from

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Continuing Path In Technology Integration

Recently I read an article about static and dynamic technology and media. I was asked to make a post on where I thought my journey was at this point in integrating technology into the education field. Static technology and media refer to the use of technology that is useful but really has no impact on the learner. Dynamic technology and media refer to the use of technology that allows the learner to gain meaningful learning but then apply it to construct new knowledge. As I reflect on my journey I believe that I am stuck in the middle of the two. Most of the media and technology I use in the classroom is for delivering instruction. Projector, interactive white board, computer presentation, and videos are all used to deliver content. Email, student blogs, and eboards are used to communicate and collaborate with parents and students. The types of technology and media that were just mentioned are considered static. I teach my students to use kidspiration which is a software program where they can construct projects applying the knowledge they have gained. The students also use voice thread to respond to questions and create as well as display projects. These media and technology choices are dynamic. As I learn more about technology and media my journey will guide me to use more dynamic choices in my classroom.